An Example of a Label Application Using Servomotors
The fourth appli-cation has a servomotor controlling the speed of a label-feed mechanism that pulls preprinted labels from a roll and applies them to packages as they move on a continuous conveyor system past the labeling mechanism. The feedback signals are provided by an encoder that indicates the location of the conveyor, tach generator that indicates the speed of the conveyor, and a sensor that indicates the registration mark on each label. The servo positioning system is controlled by a microprocessor that sets the error signal, and the servo amplifier that provides power signals to the servomotor. This application is shown in Fig. 11-93.
The fifth application is presented in Fig. 11-94, and it shows a series of packaging equipment that operates as three separate machines. The timing cycle of each station of the packaging system is independent from the others. The packaging system consists of an infeed conveyor, a positioning conveyor, and a wrapping station. The infeed conveyor and the wrapping station are mechanically connected so that they run at the same speed. The position of the packages on the wrapping station must be strictly controlled so that the packages do not become too close to each other. A piece of metal called a flight is con-nected to the wrapping station conveyor at specific points to ensure each package stays in position. A sensor is mounted at the beginning of the positioning conveyor to determine the front edge of the package when it starts to move onto the positioning conveyor. A second sensor is positioned at the bottom of the packaging conveyor to detect the flights. Both of these signals from the sensors are sent to the servomotor to provide information so the servo can adjust the speed of the positioning conveyor so that each package aligns with one of the flights as it moves onto the packaging conveyor. This application shows that the servo positioning controller can handle a variety of different signals from more than one sensor because the controller uses a microprocessor.
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